14 research outputs found

    A model of creative and innovative techniques that will prepare final year students to become entrepreneurs

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    Creativity and innovation are significant for the creation of a knowledge and productive base economy with its associated growth, sustainability and job creation. However it is noticed that students will need to employ the techniques on creativity and innovation in order to prepare themselves sufficiently to become business owners and entrepreneurs in this current global world where government jobs are difficult to come by. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to determine creative and innovative techniques that will prepare final-year students to become entrepreneurs. A hard copy Word document questionnaire was considered an appropriate measurement method for this study. The targeted population of the study included entrepreneurial experts, business owners, teachers and lecturers of business management/studies in the Sisonke District of Kwazulu Natal Province. Thus, some 100 entrepreneur experts, owners of businesses, teachers and lecturers were identified as part of the sampling frame. A total number of 67 questionnaires were administered out of the 100 targeted– giving a response rate of 67%. The quantitative data were processed using Excel, leading to appropriate descriptive statistical analyses, including frequencies, means, medians and standard deviations. In order to obtain a better understanding of a model that will prepare final year students to become entrepreneurs, problem statements and sub-problems were stated and a t-test was used to establish demographic variables, whilst correlation analysis among skills was conducted regarding the model of creative and innovative techniques. Factor analysis was conducted using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient which confirms that training in the model will prepare students to become entrepreneurs. The results from the empirical study revealed that a model of creative and innovative techniques will prepare students to become entrepreneurs, with a total of 70% of respondents attesting to it. Based on the relevant literature study and the empirical results, recommendations were made in order to support the training needs of students on creativity and innovation techniques. However, the unavailability of an exhaustive entrepreneurial experts database and small number of further education and training colleges in the Sisonke District, did not allow the research to draw on a larger representative sample. Thus, this limitation has impeded in-depth statistical analysis that would have allowed the research to obtain more accurate findings. Further studies could be investigated from lecturers, business owners and experts whether an introduction of a special curriculum on creativity and innovation in further education and training schools may prepare students to become entrepreneurs

    Creating value through experiential marketing for mobile network operators in Ghana

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    Experiential marketing and value creation have become paramount for businesses, worldwide, to remain competitive and sustainable. Due to the global economic crisis which put all public and private sector businesses under financial stress, experiential marketing has become necessary as a mechanism in facilitating value creation for the mobile network operators (MNOs) in Ghana to survive and to outdo their counterparts in the industry. The effective and efficient implementation of the experiential marketing programmes and campaigns, aside from helping these businesses in deriving value, could further assist the government of Ghana in its quest to develop the telecommunications industry. The government has stated that the mobile network industry of the country should be based upon the principles of open markets and fair competition, which requires strong policies and strategies in experiential marketing to create value as well as to survive. It must be noted that a unique product or service experience creates a memorable customer experience where emotion has a significant impact on business performance in terms of customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty, as well as growth in sales and revenue and return on capital employed (ROCE). It is of the utmost importance, therefore, that network operators have the necessary resources and techniques in experiential marketing to facilitate sustainable value creation in the industry, as a lack of proper resources and implementation strategies can hinder the successful creation of value. Given this situation, this study sought to create value through experiential marketing for MNOs in Ghana. The study sought to empirically test a hypothetical model reflecting 11 independent variables on experiential marketing (i.e. mediating variables), particularly with proper attention to the experiential value gained by consumers after consumption. Also, the study addressed the contribution of all mobile components, namely processes, physical evidence, and people, in experiential marketing and creating value for businesses. The remaining hypothesis aimed at identifying the impact of the mediating variable (i.e. experiential marketing) on the dependent variable (i.e. business value) to assess how value is created through experiential marketing for MNOs in Ghana. The outcome of the primary research helped in recommending strategies that could be employed by businesses for improving competitiveness and sustainability. The debate about value creation through experiential marketing to MNOs in Ghana is not available. Consequently, this study attempted to develop a hypothetical model to provide a scientific, theoretical, and empirical contribution to MNOs, other businesses, and the entire telecommunications industry of Ghana in order to aid them in creating value through experiential marketing. To achieve the objectives of this study, a quantitative approach using a face-to-face self-administered questionnaire was adopted to test the hypotheses. The participants were randomly selected based on the 10 regions to which they belong in the country. With a visit to the regional offices of the mobile operators, the questionnaires were conveniently administered. A total of 384 participants were selected through a stratification sampling and, in addition, a total of 31 participants were conveniently added, producing a total of 415 respondents who completed the survey. Based on the analysis of various secondary sources, a hypothetical model regarding creating value through experiential marketing for MNOs in Ghana was constructed. The proposed hypothetical model indicated that the mediating variable of experiential marketing, with sub-variables related to experiential mix (i.e. sense, feel, think, act, and relate) and experiential value (i.e. emotional, functional, and social), is possibly influenced by the independent variables. This influence is also known as the mobile mix, namely 1) physical evidence with sub-variables related to the physical environment, building and spatial layout, and corporate branding; 2) process with sub-variables related to technology development, research and development, and machines and operation; and 3) people with sub-elements related to input and output logistics, marketing and customers services, human resource management, and procurement managing. The business value (i.e. the dependent variables) was identified as consisting of sales value, growth value, and return on capital employed value (ROEV). IBM’s SPSS AMOS (Version 25) was utilised for data analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the data of respondents leading to easy interpretation by the researcher. Inferential statistical analysis was utilised to test for relationships between identified variables by using a validity test, a reliability test, correlation, and a structural equation model (SEM). The empirical results revealed that the mobile mix (i.e. the independent variables) has a significant positive influence and relationship with experiential marketing (i.e. the mediating variables). On the other hand, experiential marketing was identified as having a significant positive influence on business value (i.e. the dependent variables). The majority of the respondents agreed concerning the variable items measuring experiential marketing and its influence on creating value to MNOs in Ghana. It is envisaged that the empirical evidence provided in this study could assist MNOs in Ghana in understanding the factors influencing experiential marketing and its role in creating value and, thereby, assist these businesses in strategy development and decision-making. This study provides relevant and practical recommendations that could make MNOs in Ghana generate sustainable long-term value. Thus, the objectives of this study were achieved, and the research problem was answered. This study could also act as a foundation for other studies, thereby contributing to the body of knowledge in this regard

    Profile Features of Mobile Network Customers in Ghana as a Basis for Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

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    The mobile network industry of Ghana continuously experiences tremendous growth and opportunities for citizens and subsidiary companies worldwide, yet little is known about the profile features of mobile network customers. Mobile network operators need to understand the joy, fun, taste, preferences, feelings, emotional behaviour, lifestyle and satisfaction the individual customers derive from their offerings. This will enable the businesses to design effective and appropriate programmes which appeal to the various segments in which they operate and to assist the network operators to position themselves well in the minds of the target market. The primary objective of this paper is to establish a mobile network customers’ profile, as well as to compare and explore the differences or similarities between their experience dimensions, regarding their age, gender, education and the region they reside in. This information can assist network operators to decide how to treat each segment and whether to offer the same or unique marketing and positioning strategies to the groups. The study adopted a descriptive design and quantitative approach and a total of 415 participants completed the survey, which was analysed through frequency distribution and IBM Amos version 25 with multivariate variances conducted. Statistically significant differences were identified in age, gender, level of education and respondents’ regional locations that could provide operators with sustainable revenue from continued investment

    Assessment of Instructional Supervision Practices at Efutu Circuit in the Cape Coast Metropolis

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    The study aimed at assessing the state of instructional supervision at Efutu Circuit. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and mainly used a questionnaire to obtain data from participants. A sample size of 80 was used for the study. The study revealed that instructional supervisors conduct impromptu visits and class observation only when there is the need. However, little clinical supervision is practiced to support teachers, democratic sharing in an attempt to solve instructional challenges and monitoring of instruction through lessons monitoring tool and syllabus coverage monitoring tool. The study further showed that teachers demonstrate varied attitudes towards instructional supervision which are negative. Their perceptions are that the current supervision is more or less “looking for errors, the current supervision is authoritative rather than democratic, the current supervision is inspection rather than a collaborative process, the current supervision involves a lot of processes that are time consuming as well as the current supervision support us to improve teaching. From the study findings, it was recommended that headteachers should be prompt in supervision of instruction (conduct regular classroom observation) and not only do it when there is need. Also, they need to increase the practice of clinical supervision. Keywords: assessment, instructional, supervision practices, headteachers, circuit DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-31-04 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Concept of Climate Vulnerability: Key Determinants, Responses and Constraints to Climate Change Adaptation.

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    The paper is essentially a synthesis report highlighting key areas of climate vulnerability as a global discourse based on reports from international conventions held over the years. Theoretically, it draws country and sector based scenarios on responses and constraints to climate adaptation. The literature is organized in phases, constituting a conceptual framework, evidence and trend of climate impacts, local ecosystem-based approach (EbA) to sustainable adaptation models, espoused across climate-sensitive sectors. The ultimate aim of this paper is to synthesize and develop a synthesis report on key determinants of climate vulnerability based on existing literature

    Students’ Satisfaction with the University of Cape Coast Residential and Academic Experiences: Students’ Satisfaction with the University of Cape Coast Residential and Academic Experiences

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    The purpose of the study is to explore students’ satisfaction with the University of Cape Coast experience. The study adopted a sequential explanatory mixed-method design and used current students as the population of the study. A sample size of 420 students was used for the study. The study used questionnaires and focus group interview guides to obtain data from participants. The study used descriptive statistics and a thematic analysis approach to analyse the data obtained. The study revealed that students are less satisfied with residential services and attributed this to irregular water supply, unsanitary toilet and urinal facilities, congestion in student rooms. Furthermore, the study showed that students were less satisfied with some academic services. The study recommended that the leadership of departments, faculties and colleges need to review their curriculum with the approval of the Academic Board to enhance students’ practical experiences in their academic programmes

    Integrating Approach to Build Customer Experiences: Lessons Learned from Mobile Customers in Ghana

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    Delivering a great customer experience is of paramount importance for any organization. The better experience customers have regarding the organization’s products, or brands, the more repeat purchases and positive reviews they will receive. This paper explores the mobile mix as an integrated approach to facilitate a positive customer experience. A total of 415 respondents were selected and completed the survey through stratification and convenient sampling from10 regions. The study adopted a positivistic paradigm and followed a quantitative research approach. The SPSS Amos 25 was utilized to analyze the collected data. The empirical results revealed that the mobile service mix has a significant positive influence and relationship with customer experiences. This paper provides relevant and practical recommendations that could increase positive customer experiences in the mobile industry

    Education Systems Course Syllabus

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    This course explores how education systems in low- and middle-income countries can better deliver learning for all. It features pre-recorded lectures from leading academics and practitioners from around the world. The syllabus and lectures are open-access, and are available to incorporate into graduate-level academic and policy-oriented training programs in international development and education

    Education Systems Course Syllabus

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    An open-access, cross-university curriculum for graduate-level students and education professionals interested in education policy, planning, and reform to deliver learning for all